This survey is designed to help us learn from the experiences of our graduates. You had been a part of the Preparatory Year Program for a year and experienced its courses, activities involved, facilities etc. Your responses will provide an important source of information for our evaluation and planning efforts. Please answer all the questions as this may help us to improve our program. All answers are confidential and will not be associated with your name.
This survey is divided into TWO parts: Part 1 has been looking for your RESPONSES for the precisely outlined statements (1-21), whereas Part 2 is requesting your RESPONSES for 3 OPEN-ENDED QUERIES (22, 23, 24).
In Part 1, you have been given 21 statements for which responses are requested from you on a five-point scale. The recommended scale is:
5-Strongly agree (with the statement)
3-True Sometimes
1-Strongly disagree