Course Name Technical Writing
Course Information Course Code Course No. Course Level Credit Hours Prerequisite(s)
1722-137 Third 2 1722-134
Course Track

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of writing, designing and conveying technical information to different audiences. Students learn about conventions of technical writing, such as organization, style and tone of expression, illustration and layout. They do this by carrying out the writing process in the production of a variety of basic technical documents.

Course outcome:

1. Effective application of principles of technical communication.
2. Composition of effective memos, Business letters and related documents.
3. Organization of technical communication effectively.
4. Development of process documents.
5. Application of analysis to develop reports.
6. Use of basic principles in job application to composing CVs, cover letters and application letters.

Assessment Policy Assignment 46% Quiz 24% Lab --- Project ---%
Midterm 0% Final 30% Others -
Textbook Technical Writing Basics: - 1st Edition
Author: Brian Holloway
Publisher: Pearson/ Prentice Hall, 2007
References English-English Dictionary