Course Name English 1 – Book 3
Course Information Course Code Course No. Course Level Credit Hours Prerequisite(s)
2403-401 401 1 140 None
Course Track

Course Description:

The objective of the Preparatory Year Deanship (PYD) of King Faisal University is to prepare students to handle university courses (and textbooks) taught primarily in English. The PYD English program is a skills-based program that focuses on the four basic language skills of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Pre-intermediate. CEFR A2

Course Outcome:

NQF Learning Domains
And Course Learning Outcomes
Course Teaching
Course Assessment
1.0 Knowledge
1.1 Pronounce, spell, and use beginner content-related lexis, such as quote, neighborhood, valuable, and others. Drills, Listening Exercises, In Class activities, Peer Groups. Weekly Vocabulary Quiz, Weekly Speaking Test.
1.2 Identify, conjugate, and use beginner English grammar, such as be verb, be going to, subject and object pronouns, and simple past/present verb forms. In class lecture, peer group work, learning by example. Weekly grammar quiz, Weekly grammar test.
1.3 Pronounce, spell, and use lower intermediate content-related lexis, such as counterfeit, isolated, exception, and others. In class examples, teacher led drills, peer group work. Weekly speaking test.
2.0 Cognitive Skills
2.1 Implement comprehension strategies for reading articles in English. In class lecture, example, group reading. Weekly reading test.
2.2 Write full sentences in paragraph form. In class lecture, examples, peer editing, group work, practice drill, peer review. Weekly writing test.
3.0 Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
3.1 Collaborate with peers to comprehend and respond to main ideas and details of listening passages read by native English speakers who have North American accents. In class group discussion, probing questions, peer groups. Weekly listening test.
4.0 Communication, Information Technology, Numerical
4.1 Use information technology to facilitate student-directed learning. Online e-learning Moodle platform. Twice weekly self-study quizzes, weekly online tests.
5.0 Psychomotor
5.1 Demonstrate their ability to give and gain confidence in speaking presentations given to their teacher and peers.. In-class presentations, group work. Weekly Speaking Tests.
Assessment Policy Assignment 9% Quiz 6% Lab 30% Project ---%
Midterm 15% Final 40% Others -
Textbook Academic Progress: Listening & Speaking 3: 1st Ed
Academic Progress: Reading & Writing 3: 1st Ed
References Practical English Usage – Swan
Learning Teaching – Scrivener
How English Works: A Grammar Practice Book – Swan, Walter
The Practice of English Language Teaching - Harmer